Cassette Rip Masterpost (download - télécharger - скачать)

Monday, August 2, 2021

YouTube queue

Good morning! As of July 29th, the queue has run out on my YouTube channel, meaning I have to replenish it with more music. I will be getting to this, but I'll likely space the videos out a little more and also I might not get to it very fast. Real life hasn't been very kind to me, and I've been getting very distracted from my hobbies as a whole. I will do my best to get at least SOME music uploaded within the week.

While I don't believe people on this side of music care as much about that, I feel like I must say something due to my experience in other art and music communities over the years.

On the bright side, I'll have some more Lithuanian pop to share (a whole new rip!) and I have another tape I need to get to working with. I talked with some people and I've learned a little more about what tools they use and now they rip their music -- while I can't reasonably get to using those kinds of tools, hopefully at some point in the near future I can re-rip and re-assess some (if not all) of the tapes and records I've ever ripped with better equipment. And then I can start posting record rips to this blog!

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