Cassette Rip Masterpost (download - télécharger - скачать)

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Obligatory non-SOTW post

I feel like I haven't been as active as I wish on here.

However, I don't usually have much to say? While I need to add more music to the channel's queue, translation has been taking over my life for the most part (That, and with Covid restrictions relaxing in my area, I've been going outside more). I am thinking that maybe when I have time I'll start posting translated information about certain artists here as well, considering that this is a blog dedicated to stuff like that. I just get a little nervous.

If you find information on any artist that's in Russian and you want it in English, you're free to contact me (through Discogs is best) and I'll see what I can do. While things like that will generally take priority, I only really translate when I feel like it, and even then I'll still generally do things in an order of want rather than need.

I have a handful of translated band information I could probably queue up on the blog, but I'd rather have some kind of extensive 'backlog' so that if I ever feel lazy I can take it easy. This is the same reason I keep things scheduled on the YouTube channel, actually - for me, it's better to do things all at once rather than one at a time. The queue runs out this month, so I'll have to put some stuff together sometime soon.

I don't really think people read the blog, but whoever does has been having an alright time recently. I get to see my grandmother tomorrow so I'm really excited about it :)

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